These are fried plantains that have been smashed and fried a second time. It is essential you use very ripe plantains. This recipe is straight from my...
Seek out firm ripe eggplants and ripe, sweet tomatoes bursting with flavor at your local farmers' market or farm stand. In addition, remember to have lots...
This recipe for roasted peppers is so easy! Choose any color bell pepper you like, or use a variety of colors for a beautiful presentation to be used in...
These chile peppers stuffed with potato and dipped in a chickpea flour batter are a popular street food in Rajasthan. They are also called Jodhpuri Mirchi...
Crispy, caramelized and slightly bitter Brussels sprouts, sweet butternut squash, tart and sweet dried cranberries, and a little hint of spiciness from...
Roasted sunchokes are sliced and tossed with olive oil, salt, pepper, and roasted until caramelized and tender. An easy and healthy vegetable side dish...
This recipe is based on the same flavors as 'Som Tam' (green papaya salad). Packed with flavor; use this salad as a side dish and serve with Thai glutinous...
This recipe is based on the same flavors as 'Som Tam' (green papaya salad). Packed with flavor; use this salad as a side dish and serve with Thai glutinous...
I used to work in a fabulous Italian restaurant, and the cooks taught me how to make this dish. I have modified it a bit, but it's very similar, and incredibly...
This classy and sophisticated dish is great as an appetizer or as a side dish with anything from grilled fish to a juicy steak. For an elegant presentation,...
This is recipe is loved by everyone who has tried it. My husband's uncle kept this recipe a secret for many years and would not share it with anyone; we...
What I love about this recipe is how affordable all the ingredients are and how easy it is to throw together. For a college student who doesn't like to...
Don't know what to do with fresh beets? Marinate and grill them in this wonderful sauce! These go great with grilled meat, and are a colorful and flavorful...
What I love about this recipe is how affordable all the ingredients are and how easy it is to throw together. For a college student who doesn't like to...
What I love about this recipe is how affordable all the ingredients are and how easy it is to throw together. For a college student who doesn't like to...
This easy side dish is a great compliment to any meal. Even the picky eaters will devour this vegetable side. Bacon and balsamic vinegar combine with raw...
A colorful combination of red, gold, and purple baby potatoes is pan-roasted with bacon and rosemary for a simple and delicious side or as a tasty start...
Bok choy is a great vegetable for many reasons; it's cheap, it takes about 3 minutes to cook, it has a beautiful subtle sweet flavor, and of course it's...
You will love this everyday cabbage dish with a rich, creamy add-on. Hmmm, good! This is a tasty dish, quick to get on the table ready to eat. Serve immediately...
Great as an appetizer or a meal. I love broccoli rabe, so I usually do this as an entire meal. To add some variation to this meal, try cooking Italian...
Greek-inspired, this is for leek and lemon lovers everywhere. A tasty, full-of-flavor side to accompany a myriad of main dishes. Complements fried and/or...
Get more of the good stuff on your plate with these variations of vibrant veggie mixes. Prepare them ahead and tuck them in the fridge for a jump start...
Smoky tender grilled vegetables just bursting with flavor, made pretty with the addition of creamy white goat cheese and luscious avocado! Add any other...
Smoky tender grilled vegetables just bursting with flavor, made pretty with the addition of creamy white goat cheese and luscious avocado! Add any other...
Great as an appetizer or a meal. I love broccoli rabe, so I usually do this as an entire meal. To add some variation to this meal, try cooking Italian...
This is a savory pancake. Make it with plenty of mung bean sprouts! Unlike other bean sprouts, mung sprouts are eaten cooked in Japan. They are economical...
These artichokes are sauteed with figs, saffron, and Marcona almonds. This is a perfect spring recipe sure to please the crowd. Garnish the finished dish...
Always looking for low-carb recipes, I was making my family lasagna and got the idea to make my lasagna in a 'green pepper boat' instead of using noodles....